15 November, 2009

We Need a Verb!

You know that thing that sometimes crazy people, or parents, do where they put their mouth on another's belly and then exhale forcibly, making a very loud and ticklish THWBBT!!! noise?

Why doesn't the English language have a verb for that, or at least a name!? Really, it'd only be decent and all...


Becca said...

we always called it a burble.
I've also heard the term raspberry applied

quietandsmalladventures said...

we called them raspberries or zurberts (no sure where that came from, but i highly suspect it was a cosby show thing...

Unknown said...

We always called it a "tummy gumming".

dianne727 said...

I've always called it "blowing rasberries" or zurberts as mentioned above.

Cath@VWXYNot? said...

raspbelly, duh.

Eppendork said...

It's a raspberry :)
